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"My soul doth magnify the Lord"

Holy Communion (Mass / The Lord's Supper) is at the heart of our parish worship. 


Holy Communion is given in both kinds (both consecrated bread and wine),
yet you are welcome to receive one kind only, as we usually don't recommend the intinction.  


To watch our Live Streaming or previous videos,
please visit our Facebook Page or Fr. Taemin's Youtube Channel
by clicking the links on the bottom.



With the Real Presence of the Lord

8:30am Said Mass

10:00am Parish Sung Mass (Live Streamed) 



10:00am Said Mass


* Service duration:

Said Masses: 40-45 minutes,
Parish Sung Mass: 70-80 minutes. 

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©2025 by The Parish of St. George Enfield.

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